
This page holds some old essays that I wrote during my own Awakening and therefore span the period mid 2012 – early 2017.  They are presented, more or less, in reverse-chronological order but not perfectly so.  Truthfully, they are outdated, and are only on this website as a place for me to store them for personal reasons, but, of course, you have Free Will and can read them if you like.  
They are somewhat interesting for historical purposes, as when I started writing them in 2012, there were precious few voices out there talking of such topics which today, we take for granted.  In the early days I received a lot of hate for bringing up such topics, and was called a lot of names.  No problem.  That was my mission, and I was honored to be able to do it.

Mass Meditation Experience Dec 21 2021

The following is my English interpretation of Keidy's verbal rendition of her experiences leading up to, and including the mass meditation on December 21, 2021. We worked very hard together on this to make sure that all of the details got spelled out completely and...

Bifurcation of Timelines – The Event is Imminent

I had an epiphany occur to me (or a telepathic message come through) in the middle of the night of Saturday/Sunday February 26th-27th.  I felt impelled to get up, and write it all out, and when I turned on the laptop I noted that it was 2:34am, and the battery...

You are Being Weaned from External Info Sources

I wanted to share this link with this particular group of spiritually adept people.  At least I'm assuming that if you haven't unsubscribed after reading my recent posts, then you are resonating with this stuff.   This message resonates in my particular...

Final Wake Up Call

I hope that this will be my last transmission prior to The Event, aka Compression Breakthrough.  However, some of you may know that our illusory 2.5D linear 'time' is quite difficult to reconcile with real 3D time.  That 3D time is more of a perpetual...

A Quick Truth on Bitcoin ‘Instability’

I just wanted to lay out a little logical thinking for you regarding the old smear that BTC can't be used as a world-wide currency, because it isn't stable.  Well, 'stability' is a relative concept.  Until you compare something to something else, there can...

Psychological Warfare Higher Density Beings and God Dear All, I feel like I've just had a eureka! moment.  This...

Humanity Needs No Savior

Dear All, The Guardians/Elohim/Most High/Holy Spirit (or what many collectively call God/Allah/Krishna/Yahweh etc) if pushed to choose, would quickly flush earth humanity in order to save Mother Earth.  In fact, Mama is quite capable of defending herself, and...

The Lord helps those who help themselves

This is for those with eyes to see, and ears to hear -  A very clear message came to me last evening just after sunset.  It was to the effect that humanity can not just sit around on its collective fat ass, and scream at those who have already done so much,...

Quantum Financial System, Bitcoin, or Bankster-Pedo Scrip?

Dear all, The following is a lengthy essay.  About 9 pages.  It had to be long in order to cover this important, and somewhat complex topic, and to not raise more questions than it answers.  I recommend that you don't try to scan it quickly, nor read it...

COVID19 is a Genius Cover for Ascension Syndrome

Dear All, Something just popped into my mind, from the Holy Spirit, I presume.  What if COVID19 is a well-designed cover for the die-off of those who simply can not match the increasing vibrational rate of Mother Earth as she ascends? We all know that there is no...

The Worm Turns

Feb 1 I love the fact that the upcoming financial collapse will occur on the watch of the evil, and corrupt.  Let CEO Biden have the appearance of being President, at least in the minds of those who live in the illusionary world created by the Fake News.  At...

Lemmings United in Mortal Stupidity in 2020 – (LUMS20)

Lemmings United in Mortal Stupidity in 2020 – (LUMS20)

Mood music Today I'd like to take a step towards making people more aware, i. e. increase human consciousness, regarding the True pandemic which we face today.  That is not the COVID19 'virus', but rather, a nasty and...

Have Freedom, Will Travel

I've been feeling inspired for a while now to write something about these invasion forces in Europe and the USA disguised as immigration, but it needed to percolate for a while in the ol' noggin'.  Recently, though, I was pushed over the edge when I myself was...

It’s the Constitution, Stupid

There's an old saying in the US political scene which was intended to remind candidates back in the bad old days that the American people weren't really interested in honorable principles such as personal freedom, nor bettering the world by ensuring equal justice for...

Summing Up the Dilemma

Summing Up the Dilemma

by Paul Seymour The System Backs us into a Corner Due to a moral dilemma which recently confronted me, I had to ask myself - when is it ok to lie, and when is it not?   That's a real crap situation to be placed in for us honest people, and is by very clever...